نصيحة اليوم
كيف تحضرصلصة طماطم مجانا
لا ترمي قشور و بذر و عصير الطماطم بعد اليوم
لا ترمي قشور و بذر و عصير الطماطم بعد اليوم
بل استعمليها لتحضير صلصة طماطم رووووووعة أو ممكن أن نسميها الطماطم المركزة المصنوعة في البيت صراحة بالنسبة لي لقد استغنيت تماما عن شراء الطماطم المركزة و أكتفي فقط بالمصنوعة في البيت
لمعرفة طريقة صنع هذه الصلصة أدعوكم لمشاهدة الفيديو
Here’s what you do to turn all those “waste”skins into top-quality, pectin-rich, thick tomato sauce
I wash my tomatoes in my previously-sanitized sink and add a small splash of bleach to the water. I do this because I will be saucing the skins and I want to cut down on any contaminants on them.
Proceed to do whatever you were going to do anyway with all your peeled tomatoes. Save any extra juice or seeds from additional prep of the tomatoes.
Put all the clean cores, skins, juice and seeds you set aside in a big pot and start simmering. You can’t overcook this, but you can scorch it, so keep the heat on medium and give it a good stir every few minutes.
Puree the contents of the pot. using an immersion blender or blender.
When your sauce is smooth-ish, work it through a fine-mesh strainer or chi-noise.
Use a small ladle or spatula to push all the thick pulp through the strainer while leaving the now straw-like skins behind.
Really go for it at this point – you don’t want to leave anything but dry skins and seeds in that strainer.
Return your sauce to the heat to reduce if you want, until it is at your desired consistency.
Season to taste with salt and, if desired, proceed to preserve by freezing.
If you’ve never done this, you will probably be surprised at how much sauce you get from what you would have normally just thrown away.