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Strawberry Mousse طريقة تحضير موس الفراولة

موس الفراولة ممممم روعة و بمكونين اثنين ممكن تقديمها في كؤوس أو ممكن استعمالها لحشو الكيك رووووووعة مذاقها لا ينسى مممممم 
 *200 ملل كريمة الخفق 
*40 غرام مربى الفراولة اضغطي هنا لمشاهدة طريقة تحضير

*50 الفراولة طازجة (إختياري) 
50 غرام مربى الفراولة
30 غرام بودرة الكاكاو 
أما طريقة التحضير فهي موضحة في الفيديو أسفله

 the recipe in English 
Salamo Alaikom. Welcome to my kitchen,  today we will prepare Strawberry Mousse so let's start !!!!
this is the easiest  way to prepare this mousse, we will need in this mousse
Ingredient of Strawberry Mousse
 Whipping cream 200 ml.
 Strawberry jam 40 grams
 Strawberry jam (decorated cups) 50 grams
 Fresh strawberries 50 grams
 Cocoa powder (decorated cups) 30 grams
Iam using here homemade jam which you will find it here in my channel 
 Add whipping cream into mixing bowl, Beat with a whisk .
I wanna give you a trick, if you wanna your strawberry mousse to be thick beat cream first then add jam (to use it as fill in cake) and if you don't like it thick beat strawberry jam with cream in the same time  
You can add Sliced strawberries 
Don't forget to cool down your bowl and cream before using  them,  to have a good whipping cream, Put strawberry jam in a glass,  Set aside in refrigerator for 5-10 minutes,When cool, put the mousse mixture into the glass, Decorate as you like , iam using here cocoa powder and fresh strawberry and some water .

I hope that you like my Strawberry Mousse don't hesitate to try it its ymmy ;)
